What are the main principles of lean building?

What are the main principles of lean building?

The core principles of lean construction are:

Value identification

The lean approach to construction is more than just meeting the specifications. The goal is to provide value, service, and advice throughout the entire project.

Value stream mapping

The value of the project is also emphasised in lean construction. The lean construction principle is designed to ensure that all stakeholders understand the project’s value at each stage. This is known as a value-stream and is a key component in lean thinking. For Exeter Builders, visit www.silverferndevelopments.co.uk/exeter-builders

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Create flow

Lean construction defines flow as the movement of work through a process. Will the project move from one step to another without delays or interruptions? Are there a lot of stops and starts? The flow of work can be positive or negative. The work must be completed smoothly at each phase. It can be affected by both external and internal factors.

Pull System

The lean philosophy uses a ‘pull system’ to align production with customer demands and reduce waste. According to the principle, a product should not be produced upstream if it has not yet been ordered downstream by the customer.

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Increase productivity and reduce waste

The main goal of lean construction is efficiency. Global waste is largely a result of the built environment. The following waste areas will be reduced by lean construction:

  • Underproduction or overproduction
  • Defective materials and components
  • Transportation that is not required
  • Material that is not required right away

Lean is not just about physical waste and the environment, but also time waste and inefficiency.

  • Waiting time and delays
  • Unnecessary processing of parts

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