Four tips to decorate shelves with books
Reading is one of the leisure plans that many people feel they do not spend as much time as they would like. The books provide company, are a refuge of solitude freely chosen by means of which the reader is with himself. The books embellish the interior of the home by means of a reading space that adds names, histories, metaphors, biographies, authors and culture. The shelves are a very practical type of furniture for the storage of your own bookstore. How to decorate shelves with books?
Placement of books in horizontal
The usual way to place books both in libraries and in home libraries is in vertical mode to optimize the space available on each shelf. However, the aesthetics of decoration can change through the simple gesture of making a change of position in the selected titles. For example, you can add some books in horizontal format.
In a library with a large volume of copies of titles it is also possible to harmonize the combination of books placed in both forms. Decorate shelves with books, taking into account not only the aesthetic potential of this space, but also the practical organization of being able to take the books to read and put them back in the corresponding place after a consultation. The main purpose of a library is to enjoy its contents.
The order in the library can be based on a classification based on authors, genre or theme.
Book cover
Children participate in activities to encourage reading. For example, the entertainment of storytellers. The contact with the books can begin from an early age through the visit to the bebetecas, charming libraries for babies.
At home, this invitation to read can also be expressed through the creation of a reading area with shelves that visually present the books by their cover. Children’s books have special color characteristics. And this feature adds vitality to the place.
Decoration with old books
Just as an antique piece of furniture has the beauty of the passage of time that leaves its mark on its essence, the time factor is also visible in a book with a special binding. If you love literature, antique book stores are a constant inspiration with a specialized catalog and a binding that prints personality to the shelves at home. Decorate shelves with books have a high emotional value for that reader who feels that these titles are part of the memories of his life.
You can also give a preferred place in your library to those copies that for some reason are more special for you.
Free space in the library
In order to make the most of the storage potential available on site, it is possible to place so many copies of books on the surface of the shelves that there is no margin to add a new title. This limit can be an invitation to make space in the library in order to donate material to cultural projects that are interested in receiving books. This gesture prolongs the life of stories that conquer new readers.
Therefore, you can decorate your library trying to get the final aesthetics project an image of harmony and balance between the set and each element that makes up part of this whole. Therefore, enjoy the experience of order in the library through the perfect balance of copies and free holes. You can also combine in this place other ornamental details, for example, flowers, photographs and decorative letters.
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