Things to know about solar energy
- The idea of harnessing solar energy is not a new concept
Leonardo da Vinci was the first person to predict that it would become a real thing in the 15th Century. In the 19th century a solar cell was invented, but it had a solar efficiency of only 1%.
- Solar energy is renewable and free
After the initial costs of the solar panels are paid, you won’t have to pay a penny for the electricity that they produce. Solar energy is also a great way to reduce your carbon footprint, as it’s renewable and green.
Solar energy users can save up to 75 million oil barrels and 35 millions tonnes of CO2 per year. The sun can also provide a large amount of energy: the Earth receives 120 terawatts in one hour.
- Made with earth-abundant material
Most PV modules are made of silicon. It is a good thing that silicon is abundant – it is the second most abundant in the Earth crust. One ton of silicon can produce the same amount of electricity as 500,000 tons of coal. For Solar Panel Installation Bristol, go to Redbridge
The use of conventional fuels has created a variety of problems for the environment and human health, such as acid rain, air and water pollution, smog and pollution from smog.
- Solar panels cal also heat water
The solar thermal panel heats water by absorbing heat from the sun and can be used for heating homes or swimming pools.
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