How to Repair Plaster on a Wall
One of the most common problems with plaster on a brick or block wall is the buildup of moisture and water. This moisture absorbs the plaster and turns it into mould, which is unsightly and hard to remove. In addition to causing mould on the wall, water can also soak into the wooden structure beneath. As the wood absorbs water, it expands, pushing against the plaster board. If you notice water on your wall, contact a plaster repair professional for help. Find a Plasterer Cheltenham at a site like Pure Plasterers, a leading Plasterer Cheltenham service.
Luckily, plaster repair is not as difficult as some other repairs. Plaster is a masonry material that must be repaired layer by layer. A plaster patch may be acceptable at first, but it won’t hold up in the long run. If it is cracked or split, you’ll need to apply a stain-blocking primer first. You’ll need to allow the sealant to dry before applying a topcoat of paint.
Before repairing plaster, make sure the surface is dry before attempting any repairs. Use a bucket of clean water to remove excess moisture from the plaster, and wait at least an hour for the water to evaporate. Once the surface is dry, apply an oil-based primer-sealer to seal the wall and prevent stains and residual contamination from bleeding through the new layer. The primer-sealer will need at least one hour to dry. Next, apply joint compound in several thin layers. Spread the joint compound and smooth it with a trowel to make the surface even and level. If necessary, apply another coat of joint compound.
A leak can cause brown stains on the plaster. You must locate and seal the leak before you can begin patching. Water damage on masonry walls can also lead to bulges and other damage. If the water damage is extensive, you may not need to patch it. Rather, you should consult a professional to determine the extent of the damage. The best way to solve the problem is to find the source of the leak and fix it before the plaster can be damaged any further.
Plaster cracks are another common problem. They don’t necessarily mean trouble, and they may be benign. Some are a warning sign of future trouble, while others are just a normal part of ageing. The most common and benign cracks are the hairline cracks, small enough to fit a fingernail. They often run lengthways, but they’re easy to fix. If the cracks are large, you may need to hire a professional to re-plaster the wall.
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